Other Resources
To learn about more intergenerational activities and more about
doing life interviews, we recommend the following sites:
The Legacy Project
The Legacy Project’s Across Generations Program encourages
closer connections between young and old. Go to their website and
click on “Activity Kits” or “Guides and Tips/Across
Generations” to find further tips for interviewing a grandparent
and activities that connect the generations.
National Grandparents Day
www.grandparents-day.net (for educators)
Click on “Activities and Resources” to find all kinds
of suggestions for intergenerational activities for families and
Generations United (GU)
Generations United is the only national membership organization
focused solely on promoting intergenerational strategies, programs,
and public policies. A wide variety of resources are available
via their website and national office.
To create a detailed life memoir for a family member, contact:
Memoirs Unlimited
(440) 543-1020
Margie Lupyan conducts multiple interviews with individuals
and scans family photos in order to write, then lay out their story
with pictures, creating 75-100 page life memoirs.