About This Book

In 1972, while just a freshman in college, I started writing a story about my
grandmother Dr. Lea Lew. She had died in that year, and because she inspired me in my life, I wanted to preserve her legacy. I wrote to people all over the world and asked them to tell me how she had inspired them, and I received back amazing details about the life lessons she shared. In the process, I became transformed by her values and the way she treated people.

To teens around the world: Connect with your grandparents, tell their stories and preserve their life lessons. We'll post them here and assist you in memorializing your grandparents so that we all learn from their examples of courage, compassion and kindness. We can all be inspired.

To grandparents: Tell your stories - how you reached out to others, how you overcame obstacles, and how you believed in yourself. You're the moral barometer of the world - we all need your wisdom and influence.

To educators: You can facilitate the process of moral education so that we all can have a better world. Please accept this challenge, and feel free to use my book, this web site and Project Love (www.projectlove.org) in your wonderful work with kids.

It took me 33 years to write my book, SEARCHING FOR VALUES: A Grandmother, a Grandson and the Discovery of Goodness. I hope you enjoy it. And I hope that you use this site and ask friends, family and students to share their grandparents' stories, as well.

Best wishes,


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